Politics of the Nile and GERD
Sun, Jun 27
|Zoom webinar
The Webinar is delivered by Professor Mohamed Hassan, Special Advisor to Somali Region, Ethiopia and Member of the Belgian Workers Party, and moderated by Professor Beniam Awash, State University of New York, Oneonta.

Time & Location
Jun 27, 2021, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT
Zoom webinar
About the Event
We are pleased to invite you to our fourth webinar as part of the monthly GERD Speakers Series, with an overall focus on the Equitable, Sustainable and Fair Utilization of the Nile Waters.
The webinar will take place on Sunday 27 June, 2:00 – 3:30 PM EST (NY time) on the topic of "Politics of the Nile and GERD”. The interactive webinar will be delivered by Professor Mohamed Hassan, Special Advisor to Somali Region, Ethiopia and Member of the Belgian Workers Party, and moderated by Professor Beniam Awash, State University of New York, Oneonta.
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84943388792?pwd=NHlESHF6WDNRSXRtQnFYVDYzeDVoZz09
Meeting ID: 849 4338 8792
Passcode: 762991
If you have questions, comments, suggestions or wish to take part in our GERD advocacy effort, please write to us at contact@nytristate4gerd.org. The webinar will be delivered in English.